The Third Seder

You are cordially invited to join
Syracuse Jewish Family Service’s
Third Seder Appeal 2024
A collective response to food insecurity, loneliness and mental distress in our community

What makes this night different from all other nights?

* On this night, the generous child steps forward from an anchor in our collective history and custom to lead food security and other social justice work, and inspires others to create seats at the table for those isolated by age or unmet physical and mental health needs.
* The rebellious child has chosen to disidentify; but even the teen who is driven to differentiate can signal a reconciliation tomorrow by standing up, tonight, to support the hungry and the lonely.
* On this night, the anxious child who would reject complexity can learn to ground themself through simple acts of social justice and lovingkindness: Those who eat and are secure live longer and better; those who are welcomed as belonging in community thrive.
* The child of any age who knows nothing of how others live can learn tonight to care for the widow and the orphan, to relieve the burden of those among us who feel estranged and unprivileged.

Your generosity will re-enact an enduring commitment to our Seder values: please DONATE TODAY to show your support for SJFS’s Kosher Meals on Wheels and mental health programs.