Mind Aerobics

Mind Aerobics

Designed to keep your brain actively challenged!

What Is Mind Aerobics?

When most people think about aerobics, they think of vigorous exercise such as swimming or walking, designed to strengthen the heart and lungs. We all know that it’s important to keep your body active, but what about your mind?

Mind Aerobics TM is a fun, research-based, award-winning suite of programs designed to provide comprehensive mental workouts across six cognitive domains and maximize mental functioning. Participants screen into 1 of 4 levels and remotely attend 24 group sessions over 12 weeks.

How Can Mind Aerobics Help?

The New England Cognitive Center developed Mind AerobicsTM to systematically stimulate six major cognitive areas of the brain, instead of focusing on only one or two cognitive skill areas like other programs, to provide a comprehensive mental workout. Group classes are available for those with no cognitive impairment to mild cognitive impairment, and individual sessions are available to those with early to moderate stage dementia. 

Why Is Mind Aerobics Important?

Cognitive decline is not a normal part of aging, but something that may be experienced by you or a loved one. Taking an active role in the prevention of cognitive decline can be beneficial for your present and future mental functioning.


Contact us for pricing information.

Get Started

Call Ellen Somers at 315-446-9111 ext. 225, or email her at somerse@sjfs.org for screening and scheduling opportunities. 


After participating in SJFS’ Offering of Mind Aerobics: 97% of participants reported that their attention span improved, 82% of participants reported that their memory skills improved, 79% of participants reported that their problem-solving skills improved, 75% of participants reported that their quality of life improved, and 75% of participants reported that their reaction time improved.