Emotional Wellbeing: Learning Groups

Emotional Wellbeing: Learning Groups

Address the challenges of aging in SJFS facilated learning groups

What Are Emotional Wellbeing Learning Groups?

The gift of long life provides us with a personally unique journey filled with change, opportunity and challenge. The emotional wellness learning groups facilitated by SJFS can help address these challenges in a supportive setting of peers. These groups have a foundation in mindfulness and will provide participants with various tools such as how to use humor, storytelling, and ancient wisdom when dealing with life’s challenges.

How Can Emotional Wellbeing Learning Groups Help?

Navigating the journeys of aging, caregiving, family life, or other events throughout the life cycle can create challenges. Tools that help individuals address the emotions that come along with these life stages can help make these transitions much smoother.

Why Are Emotional Wellbeing Learning Groups Important?

While we have little control over what challenging experiences will bring us, we have a great deal of control over what we think and how we choose to respond to each change. The emotional wellbeing groups at SJFS can give us the tools to change how we respond to these challenges.


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Get Started

For more information, call us at 315-446-9111 ext. 234 or email us at info@sjfs.org.