Activity Companions

Activity Companions

Let us be there to offer your loved one companionship and recreation

What Are Activity Companions?

Sometimes it’s difficult to spend as much time with your loved one as you would like. At SJFS, we understand the critical importance of socialization for older adults in preventing feelings of isolation and depression, and in maintaining cognitive abilities and well-being. Let us be there to offer your loved one companionship and recreation. 

The SJFS activity companion is focused on bringing your loved one joy, connection, and stimulation with the visit, all tailored to your loved one’s interests and abilities. Companions play games, go on walks, sing, dance, paint, read, discuss the news and help with memoir-writing; other ventures may include collaboration in client-driven projects like organizing memorabilia, going on in-person or virtual excursions to cultural locations other interesting websites together, and facilitated visits with friends and family via video conference. After each visit, companions will document and report back about their experience with your loved one. A formal or informal plan of care will be mutually agreed on and updated regularly according to your loved one’s status and preferences.

How Can Activity Companions Help?

Our Companions are drawn from our experienced ancillary staff and our graduate clinical interns. They are supervised in the planning and implementation of care and communications with you and your loved one by the SJFS Aging LifeCare Professional in charge of the relationship.

What Makes Activity Companions Unique?

Activity Companions serve clients in their homes in the community and/or their residence in nursing homes, assisted living, and other facilities as permitted.

Please note: Activity companions do not do household chores, assist with activities of daily living (e.g. bathing, using the restroom, dressing), or provide healthcare services.


$25/hour, plus mileage at $.50/mile

Get Started

Email us at or call us at 315-446-9111 ext. 234 for more information.