Some important information to keep us connected …
  • SJFS leads Coalition to Improve Family Caregiver Support
    The single, overarching goal of Project SECURE is to facilitate family caregiver well-being and enhance their overall caregiving experience. This multi-agency, 2-year, 2-County demonstration project is funded by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York.Read More »
  • We Go Where People Need Us
    We deliver our services and conduct our programs where our clients live, where they work, worship, and congregate, and on our campus at Menorah Park. We can help older adults continue to live in their community, and can help guide the discussion and decision making on the practical realities for a move – if and when questions of quality of life and safety make a move worth considering.Read More »
  • AgeWise Solutions Care Management Fosters Independence Along the Aging Journey
    Imagine … you have your own personal expert in aging to guide you – and be with you and your family – along your journey! Whether you live independently or in a supportive environments, our AgeWise Solutions Care Managers can help you enjoy life. We provide information, expertise, coordination, nitty-gritty help, and lots of TLC. […]Read More »
  • SJFS Services & Programs
    A brief description of our services and creative programs for older adults who live independently or in a supportive residence, their families, care providers, senior care professionals and students, and our Continuum of Care Community.Read More »

AgeWise Care: Integrated Support for the Journey of Aging*

Planning and Navigating the Journey

  • Care management: health, housing, services
  • Bill paying, personal affairs assistance
  • Support network liaison
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Transportation
  • Medical appointment accompaniment
  • Activity Companions

Promoting and Restoring Mental Health

  • Individual, Couples and Family Counseling
  • Learning Groups
  • Family Time with the Family Service: Wellness events

Supporting Brain Health and Living Well with Dementia

  • Social and Cognitive Stimulation
  • Mind Aerobics
  • M-Power U: Early Memory Loss Day Program
  • Depression Care
  • Learning Groups

Empowering the Team: Families, Professionals, and Ancillary Services

  • Internship program with accredited colleges and universities
  • BeWell Institute workshops, courses, and consulting
  • Caregiver support and consultation
  • Team planning and coordination (client, caregivers, professionals)
  • Elder Justice: Preventing and recovering from abuse